27 December 2009

Holiday Wrap-Up

Despite a rocky start, the holidays went pretty well. Mom, Ross and I gathered with Angel and the girls at their place. It was a cozy little dinner with those that mean the most to me. The girls seemed to really like their new socks... although the gift cards seemed to go over better. We ventured out into the icy weather to look at lights around the neighborhood. Mackenzie insisted we go see the city's grandest estate because she was convinced it would be decked out... the house is nothing short of amazing but there were no decorations.We came back to find that Santa had dropped by. It was the first time the girls experienced Santa like their mom and I used to have.  Santa always came while they were sleeping, but he had to make some changes to his schedule because their dad was picking them bright and early the next morning. We spent the next several hours playing with the girls' new toys... particularly Band Hero.

We spent the next evening at Ross' dad's house. The usual suspects were present for the exchange of presents. Theresa was wearing her new socks before the night was over. Eating, chatting, opening gifts, more games on the Wii (this time it was Sports Resort) and finished off the night watching the latest Star Trek movie. Poor Ross had to keep explaining why the storyline wasn't staying true to the series.

Now Ross and I are just enjoying some quiet time around the house. We didn't even venture out to shovel the driveway or get the mail yet. We'll be finishing off the year with a gathering at Gretchen and Shaun's house. It'll be nice not to travel so far on New Year's Eve... maybe then we can enjoy a touch more of the spirits without worrying about the long drive home from Ray's. I'm glad that the bulk of the holiday madness is over and I'm ready for the new year. The whole Yulegate mess will be set aside and life will go on... minus a few relatives.

09 December 2009

Snow Day!

Peaceful Snow
It's not often the adults take a snow day, but a blizzard dumped a ton of snow on us last night. The roads are coated in snow and the plows just can't keep up. I don't think we've gotten this much snow in one storm for about ten years... and it's still going. It was bad enough that Ross took the day off.

I would have preferred that Mom didn't insisted on going to chemo by herself. Her truck is on its last leg as it is... then add the post-chemo exhaustion and heavy snow. She's promised to keep me notified, but I wish she had just rescheduled. At this point, she made it to the hospital. She said she had the truck in four-wheel-drive and it was clicking and clanking worse than ever. Thanks, Mom... that makes me feel so much better. I'd be there if we could get out of the driveway!

Guess it's a good day to get some more knitting done. I have one of Kris' socks done now. I haven't even finished the cuff on Ross' first sock. Of course he wants regular height socks that he can fold over or scrunch up! This snow day is going to mean the loss of about three inches of progress, but I should be able to get the other of Kris' socks done. I'm also hoping to finish a few pairs of slipper socks before the week is done.

05 December 2009


Sore, Blistered Skin
My hands are badly flared up again. I'm still not sure what I came in contact with. I haven't had a flare in almost a year, so it came as a bit of a shock.

I've been to the hospital and used their soaps a thousand times, so I don't think it's that. I'm very careful about what I touch there, too.

Mom and I made a few stops at stores and a Taco Bell that day also. I'm leaning toward the notion that it was the soap or something dirty at the Taco Bell. The refried beans there tasted like fish (yeah... ewww... I know!), so I'm guessing it wasn't the cleanest of restaurants.

I've been treating it with the steroid cream the dermatologist gave me, but I'm careful with it because she told me it thins the skin and makes it weaker. It also smells like, looks like and feels like Vaseline... with a medicine-y scent. Lovely, eh?

Needless to say, I haven't accomplished much in the world of knitting the last couple days. I'm planning on washing the goo off and getting back to work sometime today. Sometimes, I think I actually heal faster without the cream. With it, I can't do anything because my hands are coated in goo and all I can focus on is my itchy skin. Without it, I can keep myself and/or my hands busy and I don't scratch it. I also really have too much Yule knitting to finish so I just don't have time to take a break!

03 December 2009

Yule Gift Knitting

Socks Underway
On a lighter note... as it started snowing here in Wisconsin, it also started snowing on WordPress blogs. Cute, eh? Just the thing to boost my holiday spirit and get me working harder on my gift knitting.

I've been working on Monkeys for both of my mothers-in-law. Theresa's are the completed orange, pink and brown pair. Kris' are the red, yellow and black pair in progress.

I also have basic ribbed socks for Ross... at his not-so-subtle request. Those are the speckled-looking black ones.

The aqua-colored socks are the first of many quick slipper socks that will be gifted to a few friends and family... dependent on how many I can get done. My nieces will be among the recipients... along with a "real" gift, of course! What kid really likes getting socks?

Can No One In this Family Stay Healthy ?

Well, the family has been busy being sick. Just the highlights...

Grandpa gave us quite a scare a few days ago. He was brought in after collapsing at home. He was losing blood without a known cause. The severe lack of blood caused a heart attack. They couldn't find the bleed because the hip surgery he had just went through had required the use of the dye they needed to find the bleed. Using the dye so closely together would have caused liver failure in his already weakened liver. We were pretty sure we were going to lose him... but he pulled through once again!

Mom was scheduled for her final chemo treatment last week, but they had to cancel it because her blood counts were down too low. She went in yesterday for it and they had to reduce the dosage to about half because she wasn't feeling well. So, lucky her, there will be another session next Wednesday. She's so sick of taking the pharmacy of pills and feeling lousy.

Grandma has been getting her cataracts dealt with. They were getting to the point that it seemed to hurt her to have her eyes open. She was constantly using eye drops. She kept putting it off because of Mom, but mom convinced her to get it done before they got un-repairable. She had surgery on one eye last week and the other eye today. It sounds like that should go well.

My friend Gretchen's mom is not doing well at all. Her cancer has spread so far and so quickly that they just couldn't get control of it. The lesions are in her brain, so the family has to deal with the unfortunate side effects... confusion, memory loss, and clumsiness. It has been very hard on Gretchen. She is pregnant with her second child and due in April. She had hoped her mom would live to see her grandson, but now they just pray she makes it to share one last Christmas with them.

Please help me to keep them all in prayers.

26 November 2009

Thank You

Today I am thankful for all the wonderful friends and family that enrich my life each day. Thank you all. Happy Thanksgiving!

23 November 2009

Move Complete

Well, the move of this journal to a new location is now complete. I apologize for any confusion or difficulty that anyone had to deal with.

The move was made to protect myself and my readers from a hateful individual that was in my life. Apparently, despite years of being open about it, I was "ambushed" by an uncle of mine over my religious beliefs. I think I can sum up how low the conversation went just by telling you that he repeatedly told me that if he ever sees me he will "stone" me for my "ridiculous beliefs." He feels that my beliefs, which I've held since I was a child, are "just a cry for attention." Several of my family members and friends are very angry over this... to the point that many of us have severed all ties. It is unfortunate that it came to that point, but I know that I personally have enough drama in my life without his contribution. I don't need to associate with a man who hates me simply because I do not hold identical views to his when it comes to religion.

02 November 2009

Clean Machine

Wow! I was on a cleaning rampage today. While most people were complaining about how much the time change messed them up, I was up early and invigorated. I started cleaning as Ross walked out the door on his way to work... and I finished about half an hour before he walked back in at day's end. I washed windows and walls. I caught up on laundry... folded, hung and steamed. I organized cabinets and cupboards. I vacuumed, swept and mopped. I rearranged and redecorated.

Now, I'm just curled up in bed checking my email and Facebook before doing a bit of reading and sleeping.

30 October 2009

Yuletide Creations

Mini Hats and Socks
Currently on the needle is a collection of miniaturized clothing and accessory pieces. My Yule tree this year will be donned with all handmade ornaments. My nieces will be doing a finger-knit strand to be the garland. I'll also be making yarn balls. I'm thinking the topper will be a large yarn ball lit from within.

I'm asking all of my friends and family to contribute to the tree with their own creations. Everyone that shares an ornament will get a mini sock in return. Seems fair, right?

21 October 2009

Getting There

I have finally found the motivation. I'm not sure what exactly finally kicked me into gear, but I'm glad it did. I'm back on track for getting fit. I've been tracking my calorie intake down to the single vegetable. I've also set my iPhone alarm to go off at two hour intervals during the time I'm home alone... each of the four alarms is set to correspond with a certain level of exercise on the elliptical or a session with the Wii. The past several days, I have been actually burning more calories than I consume... and I've lost 3 pounds already. I feel great!

18 October 2009

Rebate Debate: Mattress or Appliances

Up late... again. I was up late last night and slept in, plus that mattress is horrible and I really don't want to go to bed. I always wake up sore. It's pretty bad when I would rather sleep on our sectional; where the connections between each section dig into your hip. We really need a new mattress.

Ross and I are still debating on how we should spend the tax rebate. We both know a mattress is reaching the point of essential. We also know that the appliances that were in this house when we bought it needed to be replaced very quickly, because they were old and on their last leg. That was over two years ago.

The debate is furthered if we decide on appliances. Within the next five years, we intend to completely gut the main level of the house... creating a "great room" with a larger kitchen, dining and living area. We will then convert the existing family room into a master suite. The project will leave us with the great room, a powder room and an office/ bedroom on the main floor. The master suite with bathroom, other two bedrooms, second bathroom, and laundry room would all be on the other floor. Our kitchen will essentially end up where our bedroom is now. With the way the project is designed we can do it in phases, starting with the master suite, and have a functional kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms at all times. The debate is... do we buy the appliances we want in the new kitchen right now or just buy cheap appliances for now and get the good ones when the kitchen project is done?

16 October 2009

Frog Ponds & Due Dates

I haven't been getting much done in the way of knitting the last week or so. About all I've accomplished is tearing projects apart. I wasn't enjoying the look of my Hugs and Kisses socks, so I frogged them. I have a few ideas to rework them and plan to get started again soon. The neutral socks proved too boring... and also went to the frog pond. The hugs and kisses mitts fell off the needle when one of the needles snapped on transport to and from the hospital to visit mom.

A few projects survived the massacre. There is the second half of Angel's Exploded Rib socks that I set aside for a year and just picked back up today. I also have the foot and second sock of the Lacy Spring socks I'm gifting to Ross' mom. I began a miniature version of Exploded Rib socks for one or the other of my nieces. And, finally, the baby blanket for Gretchen's bun in the oven.

As my due date gets closer, that last project has been hard to face. I still stand firm to never wanting kids... and I was only 10 weeks along... but that doesn't mean the loss hasn't hurt some. There have been moments when Ross and I were curled up watching TV or playing with the dog and cats that I would find myself thinking, "How different would this all have been if I hadn't miscarried? Would our relationship be different if we were parents or about to be parents right now?" I mentioned something to Ross about the due date coming up, kind of an out-of-the-blue comment that it was bothering me a bit, and he looked confused and asked what I meant. Funny, the fact that he didn't know or remember pissed me off a little. I wanted to say, "Well, maybe if you'd been in excruciating pain and bled for six weeks, you'd know what I was talking about!" Sometimes I wish I had that trait, one that seems to run heavy in males, that lets them just forget and move on.

07 October 2009


Mom came home from the hospital today... well, actually it's now after midnight... yesterday. Her surgeon said she was ready to go. Her pulmonary doctor(?) wasn't as comfortable with letting her go. Apparently there were a few complications with the recent bronchoscopy and he didn't get as much "stuff" as he wanted to out of her lungs.

Mom was only home for about an hour on her own when she called to ask if I minded coming to stay with her. Apparently my dear hubby couldn't live without me for a few days... he suggested she come stay with us until she's ready to be on her own. The decision was probably easier to make now that she's a non-smoker.

So, now she's downstairs in the family room which has been converted into a bit of a guest room/ hospital room. She seems much more at ease and is actually getting some much needed rest. It will be nice to have the company for a little while.

05 October 2009

At the Hospital

I'm at the hospital with Mom right now. She asked me to come up and sit with her for the day, because she gets much better care when someone is here and she likes the company. She's trying to sneak in some sleep right now, but she's not being given much chance. Her status is pretty much the same... drainage tube is in place, in a lot of pain, and waiting for the doctor.

02 October 2009


It was a very productive morning... and then a very nonproductive afternoon and evening. I went on a cleaning spree first thing this morning. Cupboards were cleared out, closets were organized, floors were mopped and steamed and all the basic cleaning was done. I even worked in a call to Mom as I cleaned. After supper, I sat down to watch some TV with Ross and woke with a start three hours later. Guess I wore myself out!

Not even a minute after I woke, my phone beeped with a text from Angel to let me know Mom was worried I hadn't called again. I called up Mom. She told me she had a rough day. Apparently they had to leave the tubes in and restart suction because one of her lungs had started to collapse. As of the time I talked to her, she was doing better but still hadn't gotten much sleep. She is getting quite cranky with the nurses, therapists and doctors.

Angel and I are both going up to visit tomorrow and then going over to her apartment to clean. Mom is quitting smoking and has asked us to help rid the house, as much as possible, of the odors and ashtrays.

Visit With Mom

I had just picked up my phone and tapped to the contacts list to look up the hospital's number when my phone switched to the incoming call screen. Grandma was calling to give me Mom's direct line. I called up right after I hung up with Grandma.

Mom is feeling considerably better, although getting annoyed with some of her family... they are less-than-genuine about their concern and/or needlessly angry over her ex-boyfriend's reappearance. She asked me to come up and sit with her, which I had planned to do anyway last night. She needed some time with someone she felt was there out of genuine concern... not out of obligation as family or because it impresses their friends that they are so involved.

When I walked in her room later, she looked considerably better and happy to see I brought more flowers and candy. Mom's long-time friend Karen arrived and Grandma left shortly after I arrived. Karen and I kept her laughing for a few hours. She kind of paid for all that laughter later on, but didn't seem to mind too much. It felt good to laugh after all the seriousness of the last months.

The tubes for drainage, the epidural catheter and most of the other tubes and wires should be gone today. She can't wait, because then she can sit more comfortably and be able to walk around without the entire entourage of nurses hauling machinery.

I'll probably go up to visit her again tonight after Ross gets off work. She really seemed to need the company, but more the kind that is just there... not the ones she has to feel obligated to visit with.

30 September 2009

Not Really An Update

Not much new on Mom. There were some issues with her pain management, so she wasn't very open to calls or visits. I didn't go up to see her today. I figured I would give her time to rest and heal. She got enough visits from other family members and friends. She is still in ICU. Ross and I will be visiting with her tomorrow and hopefully I'll have more to share then.

Update On Mom

Mom's surgery went textbook quality well yesterday. What was estimated at a two to four hour (surgeon originally told us four minimum), ended up at just over an hour. The lesions (tumor) were not attached to the vena cava... they just sort of suctioned away. There was minimal bleeding for a surgery like this.

She looked pretty good after surgery except for the swollen lip and rash. They weren't sure, as of my last update, what caused the rash. It could still be a reaction to chemo or to the drugs she had to take for the infection she got from chemo.

The big concern now, especially with this being a lung surgery, is that she cough the fluids out to prevent pneumonia. The surgeon went in between two of her ribs to get to the lung, so she has the pain of those shifting combined with the muscle separation and cutting to contend with. They've inserted an epidural catheter into her upper back to try to help keep the pain very low so she can cough.

I called this morning. I was only able to talk to her nurse because his phone wasn't cordless. He said he overheard her surgeon telling her that she can move out of ICU this morning. I know she'll be pushing herself to recover just to get the heck out of the hospital.

29 September 2009

Surgery Day

Mom's surgery is in just a few hours. Her nervousness over it is starting to get to me. Mom has always been a very intuitive person, so I'm worried she is right once again. I am trying to remain positive about it, but removing half a lung is a big deal... especially when there's a tumor caught up in it and that tumor may be attached to a main blood supply. I will have my laptop with me today to help with the boredom of a four-plus hour surgery, so I will try to post updates as we get updated by the doctors.

25 September 2009

Mario Mom

Mom came over for a visit today. After a bit of shopping and a late lunch at Taco Bell, we came back to my place. We ended up playing Super Paper Mario on the Wii. Well, actually she played while I laughed. It is a game that can be a bit confusing to someone who last played a Mario game on the original Nintendo.

Tomorrow we have a game and movie night at Ray's. We haven't all hung out in quite awhile, so it should be fun. I hope it will be a good distraction for a few hours.

Beautiful Day

It is a gorgeous day. One of those days where you can comfortably wear a t-shirt or a light sweater. One of those days where it's sunny but there's a cool breeze. One of those days you wish you were sprawled out on a beach somewhere with your hubby, a good book and something slushy to drink. I need a few day's vacation... from my life. Just a few days to chill out and think about nothing but how much to tip the cute guy who brings us our drinks...

24 September 2009

Hugs and Kisses

Kiss My Feet
I have started work on a new sock design. I had some Opal cotton in a pink and purple colorway. It seemed destined for a "love" inspired sock. Just one peek at it on my Facebook page and I already have five people asking if this pair is for them! (Just between you and me... this pair is all MINE!)

22 September 2009

It's a SmallWorlds After All

Kind of feeling a bit let down by House. I won't go into details... don't want to spoil it for those who haven't watched yet.

I was up early again today. I woke up before Ross' alarm first went off, so I'm guessing it was prior to 4:30. I grabbed my laptop to play a few games on Pogo. I didn't want to wake Ross by turning on the light and I wasn't quite awake enough to want to get out from under the covers. (We left the windows open last night and it was pretty chilly in here.) I got bored working on my Monopoly Slots badge, so I wandered onto Facebook to visit Yoville. Not much to do there, so I ended up on their forums to see if I could figure out why people actually enjoy the game. Haha... the first post I saw was complaining about the game being boring. Someone in the post mentioned a site called SmallWorlds. Curiosity got me... I searched and found and joined and played. So far I'm still working on the tutorial missions, which have had me exploring the "world" and playing games. It seems fun and I'll visit again.

If anyone wants to join me, let me know and I'll send an invite. You can join all on your own, but I'll like it even better if you ask me to invite because they reward for inviting. If you join, be sure to look me up. I'm there under the name Sionna Koehnae. I'll be the one wandering around looking lost.

21 September 2009

Heroes In Da House

Heroes and House. One of my favorite nights of TV. Both premier tonight. Thank the gods for the invention of DVR! How on Earth could I choose? It was hard enough for Ross and I to decide which one we'll watch first. The decision, after much contemplation, was House. I am curious to see where they are going with the new mental health storyline. I can kind of predict where Heroes is headed... love the show, but it can be a bit predictable. I don't think you can ever be sure what House will do next!

Five minutes to showtime. Time to grab a glass of juice, a snack, a blanket and some knitting before settling in.

20 September 2009

Thank You

I've been quite impressed, shocked and honored by how quickly my Nippers pattern has taken off. It has been queued and added to favorites lists numerous times. It has already been downloaded 40 times. I can't wait to start seeing all the ways this pattern can be interpreted and all the wonderful yarns everyone knits them up in! Thank you all very much!

I am currently working on the  neutral anklets for my wide ankles, a variegated version of the Nippers using some amazing SockPixie Cashmino, the other of the Exploded Rib socks for my sister (also in Cashmino), and the Neutral Ripples baby blanket for my friend. The baby blanket is another oft-requested pattern that I hope to have available sometime next month.

Right now I am attempting avoid the living room, which has temporarily been converted to man cave for the Packer game. I'm taking a break from catching up on Grey's Anatomy while knitting and hiding in our bedroom. For some strange reason I can't recall (work, maybe?) I quit watching in the second season. I'm nearing the end of the second season now and wishing I had never stopped watching.

19 September 2009

Talk Like a Backwards Pirate?

Today is Mackenzie's eighth birthday party. party themed-backwards a is It. I'm still trying to figure out how I am going to put up my hair backwards... and still be able to see. Arrrrrr, 'tis also "Talk Like a Pirate" day, matey... so I am trying to figure out how to tie that in to the whole mess. No reason to make the effort other than it's just me.

Neutral Socks
Having finished Mom's Nippers, I was down to a mere three socks on the needles at the moment... so I started another pair. This is going to be mindless stockinette socks (in a neutral browns and blacks colorway from Vinca) that I will mostly work on while in the waiting room for mom's lung surgery the 29th. A lot of family will be there and I have a hard time chatting and following a lace pattern at the same time.

I haven't talked much about what is all going on with Mom. There really hasn't been much to say. It was mostly show up for treatments, sit in the hospital for hours, and then go home and sleep. Now that the chemo is mostly out of her system, they are ready to go ahead with surgery. The plan is to remove the entire lobe that the tumor is in. The tests indicate that it has stayed contained within that area. They don't know if the tumor is away from her vena cava... they won't until they get in there... so it is somewhat exploratory. If it is still attached and won't suction off cleanly, then they will have to explore other options to get rid of it.

18 September 2009

Presenting My First Official Sock Pattern!

I have gotten several requests for a pattern for my Nippers sock. You asked and I have answered! Get it here.

The sock was written as I made the first sock and tested as I made the second, so please feel free to contact me if you notice any errors or need clarification.

16 September 2009

Happy birthday, Dad.

Dad in High School
Today would have been your 62nd birthday. We miss you and will never forget you... especially on these special days. 'Til we meet again.

08 September 2009


Modified Catnip
I had a problem with the Catnip socks that I was working on for Mom. I was working the short-row heel, so it was at a precarious position... and I set it down to head to the bathroom. I came back to find it unraveled and wrapped around both cats. I have enough issue with short-rows without adding the frustration of two day's work getting unraveled. I wound all the yarn back up and set it aside for a few days.

The catnip stitch pattern was still stuck in my head. I liked it and wanted to use it... I just didn't want to revisit the ruined pair. So I made my own design. I spread apart the stitch pattern, added ribbing for the snug fit Mom enjoys, and started knitting. So far, I am really liking how it is looking. I like it enough that I am already working out a similar but more complicated version. I'm referring to these as "Nippers" to pay homage to the design that inspired them.

02 September 2009

Looking Back

Angel, Grandpa and Me
Angel posted some photos to her Facebook page of us as kids. I had to share one. The little one with the scar on her cheek is my sister Angel and the other one is myself. That's Grandpa (Mom's dad) with us. My sister looks about four in this picture, so I must be about seven. I don't recognize the house, but I'm guessing it was the one Grandma and Grandpa lived in when they were in Appleton.

30 August 2009

Gretchen's Socks

Rainbow Ribs
I'm finally getting back to work on Gretchen's socks. She's about the only person that hasn't gotten a pair yet. The heel has just been started... about 12 rows in. I was keeping it simple to show off the colorway, but these things are becoming reminiscent of Ross' socks. Round after round of endless ribbing.

29 August 2009

Farmers Market

Colorful Bounty
Ross had a Saturday without overtime, so we decided to head on down to the local farmers market for the very first time. We will definitely be heading back again, but with more cash. There were booths with vegetables, fruits, pottery, jewelry, soaps, music, meats/ fish, smoothies, coffee, and more.

The picture is the few things we grabbed...  mostly organics... for $25. We got radishes, carrots, snow peas, green beans, Asian beans, kohlrabi, red potatoes, russets, cauliflower, onions, corn, and tomatoes. The same stuff at the local grocery store would have cost us about $35.

Next Saturday I hope to drag Ross into a few craft and soap booths.

27 August 2009

Editing, Knitting and Big Brother

I can't believe Ross will be home in less than an hour! It has been one of those kind of days where I've done absolutely nothing substantial but been busy all day. I've been editing old posts to add pictures. I've fixed a bunch of broken links. I only got back to late last year, so I'll be back at it later tonight or tomorrow. The goal is to clean up my posts and make the whole journal easier to navigate and read.

Cookie A Socks
I think I'm going to spend some time on my knitting projects this evening. There's a pair of socks I'd like to see finished by the end of the month and I haven't even finished the first one. It would be good to get a bit further on the baby blanket project too.

Looking forward to tonight's Big Brother episode. I'm wondering how they are going to edit the fight between Russell, Jeff and Jordan. Ever since Russell got put up on the block, he's been a royal PITA. I still can't believe that Jordan was using the kind of language she was... Russell was definitely getting to her. I would be shocked if Russell stays.

26 August 2009

Mass Delete

An old Twitter account of mine got hacked into. I had rarely used it except to keep track of updates to certain sites. Yet another hack on an unused account prompted me to go back to every old screen name (that I could remember) and delete any accounts on sites where I could or erase all info on other sites. Wow... I had a lot of old screen names! No going back to old names for me now... it's all forward from here.

24 August 2009

Still Awake

It is nearing quarter after three in the morning... and I'm not sure why I'm still up. Actually, I'm amazed I'm not tired. The stomach flu or food poisoning or whatever had me down for the last day and a half seems to have passed. Maybe it was all the sleep I got during that time that has left me so wide awake into the early morning? Whatever it is, it is going to totally throw off my schedule for a few days.

Mom came over today to get out of the house and visit. Her internet was out, so she brought along her laptop and the two of us worked on our Pogo Monopoly badges. We chatted a bit. I made lunch. We went shopping for a little while. It was just a pleasant change of pace for both of us. It's nice to see her getting her energy back so fast.

Ahhh... there was a yawn. Guess I just had to bore you all with my day. Time to try some sleep. G'night... g'morning!

22 August 2009


Ross and I have pretty much spent the day vegetating in front of our respective computers. Gretchen asked us about hanging out, because she and Shaun are kid-free for the night, but neither of us feels much like moving, really. I'm currently sprawled in bed tapping this entry out on my iPhone. I'll probably nap a bit. We are at least going to venture out to the drive-in for dinner... I have a buy one/ get one coupon. Probably spend the evening curled up on the couch watching TV, reading and/or knitting. Excitement... can you feel it?


Ross is working overtime. He left at four this morning. I never did get to sleep last night (darn Sims) and haven't slept since Ross left... now I'm overtired. He'll probably come home expecting brunch only to find me snoozing on the couch!

21 August 2009

The Usual Update Post

I just haven't been much in the mood to journal. Since I quit my job and I've been staying home most the time life has been pretty boring. I've been cleaning and organizing the house, working on knitting projects and playing games. For the first time, I now have a Sims family that I've played beyond the second generation... I'm on the fourth.

Mom is feeling pretty sick and sleepy from the chemo and radiation, but otherwise doing pretty well. Her last day of both is Monday. She is definitely excited to get some energy back. They are going to reevaluate her now and see if they can go forward with surgery. There is some concern because the tumor appeared to still be attached to the main vein of her heart despite the fact is is about a third of the size it was to start with. It is also in an awkward position at the top of her lung... basically hiding out in her breastbone and shoulder area. All we can do now is wait and see how they decide to proceed.

My Great-Aunt and Nieces
My cousin Ryan got married this past weekend. Ross and I didn't make it to the ceremony... you can't get me to sit through a church service of any length. The reception was beautiful. The food was good. Uncle Ron even sang again... although he was a bit drunk so it didn't come out so well. Ross and I were driving Mom home so we had to leave early. It sounds like most of our side was gone by ten anyway. (I unfortunately didn't get any good pictures.)

14 August 2009

Let Me Outta Here!

I'm so bored. It's not that I don't have a billion things I could be or should be doing. I just don't want to. The mugginess outside has been forcing me indoors with the AC. I think I have summertime cabin fever. Pogo, knitting, Wii, Sims 3 and cleaning can only keep me entertained for so long.

Even Selune is trying to escape...

Natural Ripples
I have at least made use of my unemployment time to get some gift knitting done. I'm making excellent progress on a baby blanket for my friend's next addition due in April. I'm starting before we know what she's having, so I kept it neutral. Actually, I like the color combo so much that I would use it to do a whole baby room if I had a kid.

The stitch pattern was from The Knitter's Bible and is very easy to memorize.  The white rows are always three repeats of the stitch pattern, but the natural rows are arranged in a pattern of three and five stitch pattern repeats. I drew it out on paper... I just hope it looks as good in reality. With only part of the pattern done, it currently looks a bit lopsided.

I am using Caron's Simply Soft Eco. It's actually made in part with recycled plastic bottles. Acrylic is not my favorite choice of material, but I needed to make it easy to care for. At least this stuff is soft and doesn't have the usual scratchy and plastic feeling of normal acrylic.

04 August 2009

Lucky To Be Alive

My cousin Josh and some of his friends were in an accident this weekend. They swerved to miss a deer and ended up rolling the car. It flipped several times over the length of a football field. All four kids walked away with only minor injuries. The car is totaled. They are lucky to have made it out alive.