19 May 2011

Finally Some Sleep... and FOs

It has been very stressful and hectic around home lately... yet at the same time it feels as though we're not doing anything. Not sure how that's possible!

Xander has finally started to sleep through the night, but at the sacrifice of anything remotely resembling a nap during the day. That wouldn't be so much of a problem, but he has also gotten even more dependent on my presence and more in need of constant interaction. Ross can't even take him for an hour or so most days because Xander cries non-stop until I come back. It has made daily chores and studying really difficult. At least he's often okay with me just sitting near him as I knit, so I am still getting some done there. Actually, I'm getting more done than ever!

Ribs and Spines Socks
First, I finished off a pair of uniquely ribbed socks, of my own design, for myself. It is a rib pattern with a "spine" of twisted stitches between every other set of purls. The yarn is a color of Gloss from KnitPicks... it's no longer available. Originally, Ross picked it out for a pair of his socks but changed his mind when he saw the color in person. I have plans to write up the pattern once I make a pair in a more pleasing color.

Starghan Version Two
I also made a "starghan" for Nevaeh out of some acrylic I found in my stash. I don't even remember buying the stuff! There were no labels on the skeins either, so I have no yarn info. Despite how it looks in the picture, the color is more of a dusty rose and a lavender. Nevaeh loved it. Mackenzie also loved it, so I somehow ended up commissioned to make three more starghans... pink and lime for Mackeanzie, pastel pink and yellow for Leila, and colors to be determined for Angel's upcoming baby.

Natural Dishcloth
I also completed yet another dishcloth. It is now among Mom's ever-growing collection. It was in the Chocolate Ombre colorway from Lily Sugar'n Cream.

Pineapple Doily
For Mother's Day, I made Mom a doily. She is constantly asking me for doilies. I had this one nearly completed when she made a comment about desperately needing a rectangular doily for her living room coffee table. *sigh* I didn't have time to make one before Mother's Day, but I did promise to make one in the near future.

Rainbow Ribs
Gretchen finally got her rainbow socks! I have only been promising her a pair for... oh... about four years now. She wanted rainbow socks and her feet are large, so I had to find the right yarn and be ready to tackle never-ending ribs. I decided to mix it up and finally learn to do toe-up. I think the results were quite beautiful. The yarn is KnitPicks Felici in Rainbow.

Knight and Sport's Socks
With all of those projects done, I started two new ones. Ross is getting another pair of his never-ending ribbed socks. This time I am making a dark grey pair and I have some yarn in navy waiting for another pair. I also decided to take Cody's constant requests for pink socks seriously... he's only been asking me every time he sees me for the past two years or so! Cody wears the same size as Ross, so I decided to break up the monotony by working his toe-up. I am already on the gusset of both their socks, so I thought it would be fun to take a picture of the two as one sock.

Well, I will try to set aside some of my knitting time to write more often again. I'm sure Xander can't object to the laptop any more than the knitting projects. He needs me to rescue him from Daddy now... or so he makes it sound from all the screaming. I shall return soon...